Monday 19 September 2011

Drive To Vancouver

So I had to go down to Vancouver to pick up my second cousin yesterday, and Shadow wanted to make the trip with me and to drink my coffee silly kitty coffee is for grown ups. I left Princeton at 9:55 am and reached hope around 11:40 am I was really pleased with my self that I wasn't tempted to get any junk food when I stopped for Gas. I am cutting out as much sugar from my diet as I can. 

Any who on with the pictures of the drive down like I promised, I had to drive and take pictures at the same time so sorry for the window in most of them or just poor quality. The pictures are just for you to get an Idea of how beautiful it is here.

 this is me trying to get you a photo of the Hope slide but the fog was so thick this is all you can make, you could barley see the mountains. The fog didn't touch the road area, so it was safe and very pretty

hope slide 


they are building another bridge and this bridge is a pain in my butt 

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